How do I know if you have received my order?
When you place an order you will receive a confirmation e-mail with your order number and confirming your ordered items. If you have any queries, please quote your order number when e-mailing or phoning us. We will send you another e-mail containing your tracking reference, once your order has been dispatched.
How do you send out my order?
All orders are sent in discreet packaging. Your order will arrive in a plain padded envelope or box. There are no labels on the packaging except the delivery address. There is no reference to what is contained with the envelopes or boxes. Inside there will be your order and an invoice. We may even throw in a free gift!
I've looked all over the Internet and I just can't believe how cheap you are!
Because we have been doing this for a very long time, we have built up many relationships that can supply us with quality product. Coupled with the fact that we buy all our stock in large quantities, we can offer our customers a great range of products at fantastic prices.
So these photos and information in the shop section... are they EXACTLY what I'm going to receive?
We take all our product photographs in house, unless a supplier is nice enough to provide us with excellent hi-res images. All photos on the site are genuine photographs of products from our stock. The information about sizes/weights etc. is given to us by our suppliers. Occasionally, a supplier may alter their design ever so slightly. Maybe they'll move or change their logo slightly; maybe they'll slightly alter the colour; occasionally they'll change the size by a couple of mm. This isn't an exact science. If the design has changed significantly (i.e. the operation of the item is different etc.) then we'll take a new photograph and replace the old one.
Why did you have to explain that then?
We have had some very pedantic customers who demand money from us over a miniscule change in the product. These people are the reason that McDonald’s coffee cups say 'Caution - Hot' on them.
I want to buy large amounts, do I get a discount?
Please e-mail us with your request and we will help you out as much as we can.
Once I have ordered how long will it take before I receive my order?
If you pay by credit card we will endeavour to send out your order the same day.
You will receive an e-mail when your order is dispatched, which will contain a tracking reference if the dispatch method you have chosen allows for it. You can use this reference to track the progress of your parcel with your chosen courier company.
UK customers will generally receive their order within 3 to 4 days.
Note also that some items in your order may be temporarily out of stock. We will do our very best to ship your order as soon as possible.