The VIVANT RIFT is the most powerful dry herb and concentrate vaporizer and is designed for the user to be used discreetly while also optimizing their vaping experience. The Rift optimizes both convection and conduction heating. The RIFT provides a unique triple partition and gives you the ability to mix and match different flavours, giving the user a multitude of different choices. The Rift provides a powerful heat transfer function.
VIVANT RIFT is the the only vaporizer in the industry that has:
Removable Modular Hybrid Heater
Very Easy Removal Allowing For Thorough Cleaning
Specifically Designed To Fit Cue-Tips Perfectly
Capacity For Upgrades In The Future.
The RIFT has been designed to have a very comfortable grip while also maintaining its sleek design. It offers a resealable mouthpiece and is odor resistant. Temperature controlling settings are available and offer accurate temperature readings.The RIFT provides a Turbo setting with utilizes maximum power and maximum temperature. The RIFT provides a heat recycle function that cools down the hot air coming out and heats up the cold air going in. This functionality will save battery life and still provide a cool vapor.
Whats Inside The Box:
Cleaning Brush
Key Chain Tool
USB Cable
Quick Guide
Stainless Steel Concentrate Pad