Zeus Arc
The Arc by Zeus is a premium dry herb vaporizer made in Germany that is geared towards hassle-free operation yet offering a high-octane vapor experience. The Zeus Arc features an accelerometer, a built in multi-tool, USB charging port, upgradeable firmware and haptic feedback that will vibrate when the Arc is ready to vape. It’s sleek black chassis is discrete and made out of Anodized Aluminium so its durable too. The Arc stands at 87mm x 47mm x 22.5mm and is packed full of power with a 3500mAh battery giving it 90 minutes of battery life. It has a stainless steel vapor path and unique heatsink which both effectively cool vapor before it hits the mouth and lungs. The Zeus Arc features an accelerometer, a built in multi-tool, USB charging port, upgradeable firmware and haptic feedback that will vibrate when the Arc is ready to vape.
- Stainless steel vapor pathway
- 3500mAh Battery
- Motion Sensor
- Haptic Feedback
- Built In Tool
- Size: 9cm x 4.5cm x 2.25cm
- Weight: 490 grams
What's Included?
- 1 x Zeus Arc Vaporizer
- 1 x USB Charging Cable
- 1 x User Manual
- 1 x Packing Tool
- 1 x Spacer Screen
- Cleaning Supplies (Grime Wipes, Grime Sticks, Bristle Cleaners)